Exploring the Power of Interceptors in React Native Request Handling

Sugand singh
3 min readDec 20, 2023



In the dynamic realm of React Native development, managing API requests efficiently is crucial for creating robust and responsive mobile applications. One powerful tool in the developer’s toolkit is interceptors. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of interceptors and understand how they play a pivotal role in handling requests in React Native.

What is an interceptor?

In the context of React Native, an interceptor is a middleware mechanism that allows developers to intervene in the request lifecycle. Think of it as a powerful gatekeeper that stands between your application and the external API. Interceptors intercept and inspect HTTP requests and responses, enabling developers to modify or enhance them before reaching the intended destination.

The Need for Interceptors:

  1. Global Configuration: Interceptors provide a centralized way to configure and manage global settings for your API requests. This includes setting headers, handling authentication tokens, or even logging.
  2. Error Handling: Intercepting responses allows developers to implement robust error-handling mechanisms. You can globally catch and process errors, making your application more resilient to unexpected issues.
  3. Request/Response Transformation: Modify the request or response payload before it’s sent or processed. This is useful for handling data in a format that best suits your application.

Implementing Interceptors in React Native:

React Native, being a JavaScript framework, utilizes Axios as a popular HTTP client for making requests. Axios makes it easy to implement interceptors for handling requests globally.

Let’s take a look at a simple example:

import axios from 'axios';

// Create an instance of Axios
const api = axios.create();

// Request interceptor
(config) => {
// Modify the request config (e.g., add headers)
// config.headers.Authorization = 'Bearer YOUR_TOKEN';
return config;
(error) => {
// Handle request errors
return Promise.reject(error);

Response interceptor
(response) => {
Modify the response data
// response.data = transformData(response.data);
return response;
(error) => {
// Handle response errors
return Promise.reject(error);

export default api;

Real-World Use Cases:

  1. Authentication Handling: Attach authentication tokens to every outgoing request, ensuring secure communication with the server.
  2. Loading Indicators: Show loading indicators during requests and hide them when the response is received.
  3. Error Notifications: Display user-friendly error messages for failed requests, enhancing the overall user experience.


Interceptors in React Native provide a flexible and powerful mechanism for managing API requests. Whether it’s for global configuration, error handling, or transforming data, interceptors empower developers to create more robust and maintainable mobile applications. By incorporating interceptors into your React Native project, you can streamline request handling and focus on building exceptional user experiences.



Sugand singh

Experienced React Native dev, UI/UX expert, performance optimizer. Keeping up with mobile trends. Let's build mobile magic!